OpenPlant Modeler Help

How To Remove Components from IsoSheet

  1. Open the Pipeline Manager.
  2. Select a pipeline(s) from the Pipeline grid.
  3. Click the Isosheet Manager icon.
  4. Optional: If more than one pipeline was selected and loaded into the Isosheet Manager, select a pipeline from the drop down list at the top left of the interface.

    This will load the existing IsoSheets for the pipeline into the IsoSheet grid.

  5. Select an IsoSheet from the list to list the components in the bottom Components grid.
    Note: Sort the Components grid to Show components in selected Isosheet only .
  6. Select the component(s) to remove from the IsoSheet from the grid.
  7. Click the Remove components from Isosheet icon .

    The selected components(s) will be deleted from the IsoSheet.